Harlan Webber
Harlan G. Webber
Vice President

Fund Consulting Services
Telephone :   +44 (171) 416-2771
E-mail        : hwebber@statestreet.com

B.A. in Economics, University of New Hampshire, 1986

As Manager of the Reporting & Best Process Group, Harlan brings with him 11 years of global experience across State Street's Custody, Accounting, and Trustee businesses.  Since 1987 (U.S. Mutual Funds), Harlan has held Operations Manager positions in Boston, Quincy, Tokyo, Hong Kong, Sydney, and London.  Up to and including this assignment, Harlan has always been keen on technology.  ("It's a blast, and it works")

The creation of the R&BP Group has afforded opportunities to overcome Operational and Managerial challenges combining Business Knowledge, Managerial Experience, and Current Technology with 2 "special" ingredients: High Motivation and Clear Communication.

Over the past 2 years, Harlan has focused on Management Information, producing quality reporting and focused intranet expansion.  As a self-proclaimed technical guru, he has been quoted as saying, "I never met a macro I didn't like."