Jam Fee Pang
Jam Fee Pang
Business Analyst

Fund Consulting Services
Telephone :   +44 (171) 668-3041
E-mail        : jpang@statestreet.com

B.Eng. Computing Science (Imperial College, London)
MA International Business & Management (University of Westminster)

Duties include: macro development, MIS development, SLAs, Output Reduction, and  RBPG Management Reporting.

Jam Fee originally joined State Street Hong Kong in 1994. His roles in Hong Kong included Custodian Administrator, Information Analyst, and Business Analyst. During his time as a Business Analyst he worked on projects that included the automation of compliance monitoring for Hong Kong Housing Authority and electronic data delivery for the Korean Investment Trust Company. In addition he spent 2 months in Sydney assisting in the transfer of fund processing to SS Australia in 1995.

After taking a year out to pursue a Masters degree, Jam Fee joined State Street London in October 1997.

"The macro is king."