Career Banner

In terms of work and career, I have been at State Street Bank and Trust Company for 14 years and been there and done that in many places and functions around the World.  As State Street continues to "go global", I can safely say that I certainly fit into that category.

For the last 6 years, among other things, I have worked in London thinking, packaging, discussing, and implementing change continuously.  I thought that it would be interesting if I presented myself using some of those skills and the result is my virtual resumé below.  Have you ever seen one like this before?   (For those with Internet Explorer and a sound card, the "Mission Impossible" theme music is a good way to describe my team's daily "bread and butter")

My Standard CV (Traditional resumé in Word 97)

My Virtual CV (a "most cool" HTML cyber-resumé)
Also, available as an Adobe .pdf, Micrografx Flow Chart .flo, and .gif file

My SSB Work Profile

State Street Executive Profile




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Last update: April 08, 2012